Google Alerts

What is Google Alerts ?

Google Alerts is a content CDN service , that means  CONTENT CHANGE DITECTION AND NOTIFICATION service . I think here need some explanation to get good understanding about CDN .

CDN is  a system that desined to detect World Wide Web (shortly as WWW or W3) page changes by automatic and notification to interested users by email or other ways to like web feed , iGoogle.

How to get changes notification of web pages as a insterested user ?

At first you should go to Google Alert with login by gmail id . Make a new Alert with your name or website link or social media site links like G+, Facebook, Linkedin,  Twitter in SEARCH QUERY  box .  You can make as many Google Alerts that you need. 

Just see the all boxes in below image that I have filed with my interested intentions

There are six types of alerts in Result type box


But in attention, you can get all results when new content will match with search terms of the alerts.

Just look at theHow often”: box there have three options under the hood

1. Once  a day
2. Once a week
3.  As-it-happens. 

If you want to know about your curious immediately  while it is indexed, set it to “As-it-happens. Otherwise another tow as you  want .

Finally give your email address in “YOUR EMAIL” : box for teking  new alert by mail .

SEO & Design Expert at Outsource Experts Ltd.


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