Google Panda Algorithm
When the number of registered domains was only 15.000 in 1995 and after 16 years later it has risen 350,000,000. then small wonder, there is seeing a big problem to get correct information by search engine Google. Because the most of the domain holder are keeping a competition to make their site quickly that there isn't any good informative information or helping step . So Google faced these type of problem and thought doing something to help world from rubbish .
So Google made a filter that combat the floods of rubbish sites and named after engineer Navneet Panda that solved the problem . although, before panda Update there has more another filter like caffeine back then , Panda Update brinks a revolution to better help .
What is Google Panda ? Ans : Its a improvement that change to the Google's search results ranking
What is the time of Panda released ? Ans : February 2011.
What is Panda Update ? Ans : I told about Panda is a ‘filter’ that determine to different bitween "low quality and high quality pages’. and give a position to their job . So it is not a continuously process, Panda need a period to identify to give good or bed results . sometimes they need 2 or 3 week to give a Update some times one month or 3 month or above them . it is Panda Update.
So far, Google Panda Update time line .
Past Panda Updates:
Panda 4.2 July 17, 2015
Panda 4.1 September 23, 2014
Panda 4.0 May 19, 2014
Panda Recovery July 18, 2013
Panda Dance June 11, 2013
Panda #25 March 14, 2013
Panda #24 January 22, 2013
Panda #23 December 21, 2012
Panda #22 November 21, 2012
Panda #21 November 5, 2012
Panda #20 September 27, 2012
Panda 3.9.2 on September 18, 2012
Panda 3.9.1 on August 20, 2012
Panda 3.9 on July 24th 2012
Panda 3.8 on June 25th
Panda 3.7 on June 9th
Panda 3.6 on April 27th
Panda 3.5 on April 19th
Panda 3.4 on March 23rd
Panda 3.3 on about February 26th
Panda 3.2 on about January 15th
Panda 3.1 on November 18th
Panda 2.5.3 on October 19/20th
Panda 2.5.2 on October 13th
Panda 2.5.1 on October 9th
Panda 2.5 on September 28th
Panda 2.4 in August
Panda 2.3 on around July 22nd.
Panda 2.2 on June 18th or so.
Panda 2.1 on May 9th or so.
Panda 2.0 on April 11th or so.
Panda 1.0 on February 24th
What is the Targeting of Panda ?
Filter low quality content
Focus On Unique Content
Reduce spam
Close vulnerabilities in its algorithm
Excessive adverts
User signals
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